Wednesday 5 March 2014

Work Habits Post

The reason that I think that I deserve a G as my work habit is because I always have my gym strip and I am always ready to participate. Somethings that i am good at are having a positive attitude and coming prepared. I am always ready to help with clean up and putting away equipment when needed. I mostly always come to class on time but occasionally I come late because I carpool with someone and sometimes they will be late. My goal is to improve this. Sometimes if I know that I am going to be late I will start walking to school. This will benefit me in ways because I will get to school on time and I will also get extra exercise. Though I also think I deserve a G because I always try my best in everything we do, whether its fitness or not or i don't like something I always put in complete effort. One thing that i want to improve on is not giving up. I tend to stop when i get a little bit tired. For example the beep test. I really want to change that and like really go for it, because I know that I have the ability to get higher than a 7. My goal for the end of the year is to maintain a good fitness level and lead a healthy lifestyle. Outside of school,  I do other activities that I hope I will continue to do. I do dance and also swimming which i really enjoy.